Mavproxy loads waypoints but doesn't upload

Hello all, I’m trying to upload waypoints using the start up commands in windows using python but when I do after it tells me it loaded the waypoints it gives me “Request for bad waypoint 0 (max 0)” repeated (see below for cmd window output)

here’s the code being ran:

    waypoints_file = r'C:\PythonProjects\BitBucket\controls-ui\.venv\automow_ui\automow_files\field_4_home_path.waypoints'
    command = ["start", "cmd", "/c", r'C:\PythonProjects\BitBucket\controls-ui\.venv\mavproxy\mavproxy.exe', "--master=com7", "--no-console", '--cmd=wp load '+ waypoints_file]
    mavproxy = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

and here’s the result from cmd:

any help is appreciated, thanks!

Hi, did you solve this?