MAVLink2 query of attitude messages

I am trying to get attitude messages from my speedybee 405v3 to companion PC using MAVLink2 lib, that was generated from ardupilotomega.xml using Unfortunately, i can`t upload directly autogenerated lib, but here you can see it.
Code, that can get attitude messages:

def read_mavlink_message(serial_obj, mav_obj):
        while True:
            byte =  # Read one byte at a time
            if byte:
                msg = mav_obj.parse_char(byte)
                if msg:
                    return msg
    serial_obj = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS6', baudrate=921600, timeout=1) 
    mav_obj = mav_custom(file=serial_obj, srcSystem=1, srcComponent=0, use_native=True)
    mav_obj.command_long_send(mav_obj.srcSystem, mav_obj.srcComponent, MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL, 0, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    attitude_count = 0
    start_time = perf_counter()
    duration = 1
    while True:
        incom_data = read_mavlink_message(serial_obj, mav_obj)
        if incom_data and incom_data.get_type() == "ATTITUDE":

This code sample gave me 100Hz for attitude messages. But when i trying to wrap it in class (that inherit from class MAVLink(object) from or in procedure style wrap that sample - i am getting only HEARTBEAT messages or TIMESYNC.
Here you can see procedure wrapping for that code sample. For handling serial connection Im using this code.

Thank`s to anyone, who can help me or discuss that problem!