Mavlink UDP based connection issue

I am trying to establish a remote connection to another laptop across the internet to another laptop that has an RFD900 modem connected on com port 13 which talks to a rover.

I have tried multiple times to use this information to get this going but it’s simply not enough instructions for me: Mission Planner Advanced Tools — Mission Planner documentation

Can anyone give me step by step to establish coms? I need help with this ASAP.

To be clear:

  1. Remote laptop (meaning it’s in another room) that is connected to the internet. It is running a fresh copy of mission planner

  2. In a different room I have another laptop with mission planner running that is connected to my rover via COM port 13 which is an RFD900x that is talking to my rover at 57K baud.

  3. I can get IPV4 IP addresses by using ipconfig in the cmd terminal which is different from the IPv4 address I can get from using (type in what is my ip adress" in a google search. This further confuses things for me.

  4. I want to connect the (#1) remote laptop to the rover and send the rover commands with it.

I hit ctrl-F on the laptop that is connected to the rover (#2)…then I hit Mavlink, then what?

Well, this isn’t this easy. Internet providers use many exciting techniques (NAT, IPv6, etc.), preventing what you try to do.

You will need a VPN; for a quick and easy result, try Zerotier Read the docs, and set up your network.