Mavlink structure

hello all,
i want to send value to gcs by modifying mavlink buf

buf[0] = MAVLINK_STX;
buf[1] = length;
buf[2] = incompat_flags;
buf[3] = 0; // compat_flags
buf[4] = status->current_tx_seq;
buf[5] = mavlink_system.sysid;
buf[6] = mavlink_system.compid;
buf[7] = msgid & 0xFF;
buf[8] = (msgid >> 8) & 0xFF;
buf[9] = (msgid >> 16) & 0xFF;
buf[10] = 0x11;

in above i added buf[10] and sending this by changing length of buffer
but in gcs side i am not receiving buf[10] value.
i am gettig msgid,sysid,magic and al but not buff[10]
even i modified structure of mavlink_message_t.

typedef struct __mavlink_message {
uint16_t checksum; ///< sent at end of packet
uint8_t magic; ///< protocol magic marker
uint8_t len; ///< Length of payload
uint8_t incompat_flags; ///< flags that must be understood
uint8_t compat_flags; ///< flags that can be ignored if not understood
uint8_t seq; ///< Sequence of packet
uint8_t sysid; ///< ID of message sender system/aircraft
uint8_t compid; ///< ID of the message sender component
uint32_t msgid:24; ///< ID of message in payload
uint8_t new_val;
uint8_t ck[2]; ///< incoming checksum bytes
}) mavlink_message_t;

Please help me with this

It is not that simple. You need to change the message definition on both sides and recompile everything.

It is a lot better to use one of the user messages. Something like uint8 user.