Mavlink Routing

is there a way to disable mavlink routing from a port ? I got two drone with pixhawk and CC. CC use mavros to send order to pixhawk via serial (telem2), telem 1 is used by 3dr radio as backup and link to apmplanner. But when I send waypoint to one drone from mavros the other received everything from 3dr radio. So is there a way to disable some mavlink routing or should I use the new sysid_enforce param ? (need to be add to rover btw).

Other question is there a problem to have a gcs id same as a drone?

As I understand it, if you send the waypoint to a specific sysid/cmpid then it shouldn’t get routed onwards, it’s only if you don’t specify the sysid and cmpid then it gets routed onward. Would be great if you could try and confirm that.

I will retry.
I use mavros to send message and target system id is set .