Mavlink Router without MavProxy

I’m developing an application using Python Buildozer. It seems that pymavlink doesn’t support connecting to the USB port on Android. If anyone knows about this issue, I would appreciate their knowledge on the subject. As a solution, I thought about bridging the USB port with the UDP port. I’ve developed the following code, but it seems to be stuck on the STAT_RUNTIME screen in Mission Planner. Upon further research, I discovered that this is due to the telemetry being one-way. I believe I mistakenly made it one-way as well and couldn’t achieve bidirectional communication. If anyone has knowledge and experience regarding this issue, could they please assist me?

import serial
import socket

usb_port = 'COM5' 
baud_rate = 57600

udp_host = 'localhost'  
udp_port = 14558  

udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

ser = serial.Serial(usb_port, baud_rate)

while True:

    usb_data =

    usb_data_str = None
    udp_socket.sendto(usb_data, (udp_host, udp_port))

    mission_planner_data, _ = udp_socket.recvfrom(1024)
