Mavlink mission command error ( MAV_MISSION_ERROR = 1)

I can control pixhawk via mavlink protocol. for example ; arm disarm takeoff …
But when I send MISSION_ITEM ( #39 ) message to ardupilot , MISSION_ACK ( #47 ) response me with type: 1 so its mean “MAV_MISSION_ERROR”.

in mavlink library :
MAV_MISSION_ERROR = 1, /// generic error / not accepting mission commands at all right now

here is my mission_item parameters:

uint8_t _target_system = 1;
uint8_t _target_component =1;

uint16_t seq = 0;
uint16_t command = MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT;
uint8_t current = 1;
uint8_t autocontinue = 0;
float param1 = 0;
float param2 = 0;
float param3 = 0;
float param4 = 0;
float x = 52.464217;
float y = -32.280222;
float z = 200;

what is the my problem ?
how can I do solve that “generic error / not accepting mission commands at all right now” error.

thank you…

Hello Osman. Could you solve this problem?

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hi @osmancns , I wonder if you have solved this problem because im experiencing the same situation.

Somebody solved the problem?

check this out

You need to submit a mission_count to explain what the mission is about and initiate the writing before you can upload the missions.