Mavlink inspector shows POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT instead of POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED when position is sent via mavros

Hello all!

I am developing some guidance routines based on rtabmap slam algorithm with intel realsense d415 and an nvidia jetson xavier nx as a compagnion computer that feeds commands to the autopilot (a Pixhawk 4) via mavros

I succesfully implemented the rtab algorithm and sent the local position which is visible on mavlink inspector as vision_position_estimate.

Then i added another algorithm to send position commands.

The problem is:, when i publish to /mavros/setpoint_position/local topic, on mavlink inspector, i get the message position_target_global_int with lat and lon coordinates and not the position_target_local_ned message with x y and z coordinates

My question is:
Is it a problem related to mavlink not showing the position in local_ned coordinates because of the function has target_system and target_component fields?
Or is it just that the coordinates are converted from local_ned to global_int ?
Is this gonna affect the behavior of the drone when flying?

* I switched to guided mode and set the current EKF as home origin in mission planner.
* I checked the published topic with the command: rostopic echo /mavros/setpoint_position/local
and i can confirm that the position is sent.
* Gazebo simulation is in process, i’ll let you know when i finish it.

Thank you in advance.