Mavlink control doesn't work

Hi All
On my kayak ASV I’m using a BeagleBone Blue running ArduRover. Control is via a Mavlink driver from Hypack (Hydrographic Survey Software) running on a Win10 PC. The comms is via a UDP link (,UDP,14550) where the IP address is that of the BBB and 14550 is set to be both the read and the write port.

It does read the GPS, and that the vehicle is armed or disarmed (via my Taranis radio), but I cannot send or receive any waypoint plan or other settings.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong ?

Best Regards

If possible it would be good to check with a more commonly used ground station (Mission Planner, QGC, etc) to ensure that’s working over the UDP connection.

I’m not familiar with the Hypack software so a bit hard to say what the problem is. Probably best to ask Hypack I guess although perhaps you’ve already tried that.