root@odroid:~# --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 1500000 --aircraft MyCopter Connect /dev/ttyUSB0 source_system=255 Running script MyCopter/mavinit.scr -> set moddebug 2 -> module load graph Loaded module graph Log Directory: MyCopter/logs/2016-11-06/flight17 Telemetry log: MyCopter/logs/2016-11-06/flight17/flight.tlog MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyUSB0 online system 1 STABILIZE> Mode STABILIZE arm STABILIZE> usage: arm <check|uncheck|list|throttle|safetyon|safetyoff> arm throttle STABILIZE> root@odroid:~#
I want to connect mavproxy to px4, but it still not work. the mavproxy only listen from px4 but I cant input command to px4. How to fix it? please help
Try just getting a simple command line form of MAVProxy up and running first. The baud rate shouldn’t matter, but try using 115200 which is default for the USB connection.
root@odroid:~# --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 1500000
–aircraft MyCopter Connect /dev/ttyUSB0 source_system=255 Running script
MyCopter/mavinit.scr → set moddebug 2 → module load graph Loaded module
graph Log Directory: MyCopter/logs/2016-11-06/flight17 Telemetry log:
MyCopter/logs/2016-11-06/flight17/flight.tlog MAV> Waiting for heartbeat
from /dev/ttyUSB0 online system 1 STABILIZE> Mode STABILIZE arm STABILIZE>
usage: arm <check|uncheck|list|throttle|safetyon|safetyoff> arm throttle
STABILIZE> root@odroid:~#
I want to connect mavproxy to px4, but it still not work. the mavproxy only
listen from px4 but I cant input command to px4. How to fix it? please help
Try tacking on --mav10 onto the mavproxy commandline.
When I tried to armed throttle using remote tx it read by mavproxy on
odroid, but whem I type “arm throttle” on command line it was not respond,
so I very confused how to solve it. Acctually I want to make firefighter
quadcopter using image processing with odroid controller. Anyone know about
There’s not been any specific changes to MAVProxy to add PX4 support. You would need to test if it supports the specific mavlink packets you’re using in PX4