I’ve noticed 2 issues with MissionPlanner MATLAB conversion:
All MSG log messages are 0.
(I see that the data is a character string, but the MATLAB equivalent seems to be a double… so likely this type of message will need to be handled differently than numerical log messages.)
On each *_label cell-array, the last entry appears to have additional characters appended, the carriage-return and line-feed. Or in printf-syntax: ‘\r\n’ (ASCII 13, ASCII 10)
If these are bugs, I wanted to report them. Thank you for the great software!
@Michael_Oborne Thanks! The \r\n was a minor inconvenience… but I hoped it might also be fixed quite easily. As for strings… I guess I don’t know what I’m missing? So no problem. If there was vital info there, I could get it from the MP log.
@Georacer I will investigate mavlink-inspector. Thanks for the link!
I’ve just tested MP build 1.1.6210.37535. Both “bugs” remain:
The \r\n is still on the last string in each XXX_label.
It looks like all data has been converted, not just MSG, to cell-arrays. This not only greatly increases the file size, and slows the process, but it looks like the indexing isn’t done right, so the .mat file only has the last data of each type. (perhaps every write is overwriting the previous, not appending it to the data?)
I’ve just tested MP build 1.1.6210.37535. Both “bugs” remain:
The \r\n is still on the last string in each XXX_label.
It looks like all data has been converted, not just MSG, to
cell-arrays. This not only greatly increases the file size, and slows the
process, but it looks like the indexing isn’t done right, so the .mat file
only has the last data of each type. (perhaps every write is overwriting
the previous, not appending it to the data?)