I try to use MATEK L431 to control SERVO and LED on my plane. I use ARDUPLANE V4.2 with cube.
The servo (AILERON for my test) plugged in PWM 1 on L431 board. The servo alimentation is not with CANBUS, it’s a separate bec. I plugged the buzzer on the L431 board.
The buzzer works fine but not the servo.
MATEK L431 :
Configuration : id 125, Name org.ardupilot.MatekL431-Periph, HW version 4.38, SW version : 1.3.F79C43EE
Thanks @amilcarlucas.
Ardupilot node sends the commands : position servo (SERVO1, 2, 3…) and servo value (-1 to 1). But the AP_Periph node uses the OUT_FUNCTION.
How the AP_Periph know the link between the position servo and the function OUT?
the PWM out works only when the L431 is connecting to CAN1.
With the cubeBlack, MatekL431 is not visible with droneCAN/UAVCAN tab in mission Planner. I need to use DRONECAN GUI TOOL with the bus number 2 to modify the parameters.
OUT_GPIO_MASK : 0 works perfectly for the 5 pwm out.