Matek H743 - reading bootloader data

I am brand new to Ardupilot and trying to flash a MatekH743-SLIM v1.5 with APM Planner v2.0.29rc1 on MacOS Ventura 13.2.1. I am trying to flash firmware version MatekH743-bdshot_Copter_4.5.4.apj from local and the output keeps freezing at:

Successfully opened MatekH743-bdshot_Copter_4.5.4.apj
Start flashing firmware.
Waiting for replug of fc connected to tty.usbmodem365A385D33301
Flight controller reconnected - reading bootloader data.

The board currently has iNav firmware running on it and that works just fine, so I can’t imagine it’s a board issue or user permissions on the host Mac.

Thanks all

Why? APM Planner 2 hasn’t seen any action in years. Use STM32CubeProgrammer.

I see. What is the recommended ground control software? Until now I thought APM Planner and Mission Planner were the same thing.


Mission Planner/ QGC are OK to me.

No relation. As @lida2003 said Mission Planner and QGC. But neither will flash the bootloader if BF/iNav is on the board. Either use STM32CubeProgrammer or my typical route DFU-UTIL to flash the bootloader and then Mission Planner tpo flash Ardupilot.

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STM32CubeProgrammer worked great, thanks so much!