Matek H743 + IRCTramp 1600mW doesn't work

I actually made a fix for SA2.0 recently that probably helps here - it’s worth trying the latest version

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Hello all,
I had an isuue just like Topic Starter (Ivosch).
I can to control my VTX from INAV. But I can’t in ArduCopter (Mission Planner 1.3.8479.20539).

ArduCopter V4.3.7 (c8506ed4)

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Airframe type

Hardware type
FC Matek F405-TE
VTX Jhemcu RuiBet Tran-3016W 25-1600mW The same like TS has.

What logs do you need? How to download it?

I was trying to activate and setup VTX control using IRCTramp. It didn’t work at me too. Even BAND and Channel. And is it true that MP have no possibility to set POWER more than 1000 mW?

Configured parameters:
and with SERIAL5_OPTIONS 0 was tried also (and many other :slight_smile: )

and RC14_OPTION set to 94

Help me please to solve this problem.
With love from Ukraine!

I did a custom FW with IRC. It works now.
But still can’t increase Power more than 1000 mW. In my case 800 mW respectivly (nearest to low side). VTX power levels PIT/25MW/200/400/800/1600MW
Looking for solution.

Same problem. IRC Tramp VTX (SpeedyBee TX800) with 4 level power (25,200,400,800mw). Can switch to first 3 levels (25,200,400) and also PIt mode but impossible to set it to max power level. Tried everything without success. Arducopter 4.4.2

I can post a debug build to see what is going on if you were interested. The upper power levels are not covered by the IRC spec so probably some weirdness there.

Oh, I see this again on analog VTX using Tramp protocol.

Previously I had issue with pandarc 5804ML1

Now, I also have the issue using JHEMCU RuiBet Tran-3016W 5.8GHZ 1.6W
a) It seems VTX_POWER/VTX_FREQ working with MP settings.
b) I can’t change the power by RC7_OPTION = 94, which is ok for pandarc.
c) I also can’t change band and channel by VTX_BAND/VTX_CHANNEL

I am really curious about this protocol and specification.

Yes of course I’m interested :slight_smile: I am using mroControlZero F7 with this VTX on Arduplane 4.4.3.

I have this same issue, currently running a Matek F405 Wing with the latest 4.4.3 build of Plane. I have a Rush Max Solo (SmartAudio) with the following power levels: 25mW, 500mW, 1000mW, 2500mW

VTX_OPTIONS I have set as 50 which is ‘add leading zero byte to requests’ and ‘use 1-stop bit in SmartAudio’

Changing VTX_Power I can get 25mW, 500mW and 1000mW but can’t get 2500mW changing values in Mission Planner.

Following one of your videos Andy I put VTX Power on a dial on RC12 and had RC12_Option set to 94. Turning the dial I can get full power of 2512mW (strange value on the OSD). I tried changing VTX_Power manually to 2512mW and it did nothing.

So in short, for me it works via a dial but not the VTX_Power parameter in Mission Planner. Below are the messages I get rotating the dial


Here is a debug build. You will need to use mavproxy to see the debug messages

I have The same VTX SpeedyBee TX800,
the 25,200,400mw power levels works. but my 800mW doesnt.
any chance you have a solution for this @andyp1per ? i use it on a SpeedyBeeF405-Mini FC.
Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

Actually It’s halfduplex, means there is no information from the VTX back to controller.
You need a power meter to check a real power of the VTX.
I use SpeedyBee F405 Wing and Panda VTX and when ardu shows 400mW real is 800mW. And looks like 800mW is max Power that ardu can set(but in messages 400mW).

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I have a fix for max power:

But note that Tramp always lies about the output power. So AP will reflect which it is told by Tramp. For instance I have one the Reaper Infinity’s with power of 25mW/200mW/500mW/1.5W/2.5W/5W, but Tramp reports this as 25mW/100mW/200mW/400mW/600mW and those are the values you must use in VTX_POWER to get the right output.

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Hi, i noticed this before that manually placing VTX_POWER values to 0,25, 200,400 the boards power led indicator changes it’s blinking status to its corresponding power indication. But never goes permanently ON (indicating max power) when set to 600 or 800 (I tried many values).

I saw your link, sorry for my lack of skills, I don’t know how to reflect those changes to my firmware. I wanted to check and see if it works. Thanks!

What flight controller? I can do you a build

Thanks @andyp1per, I am using a SpeedyBeeF405-Mini flight controller. I’m excited to test this! :+1:t3: (588.2 KB)

Thank you @andyp1per I’ll be testing this and get back to you with the results.

Thank you very much for this fix! Now, when i rotate my knob on my TX, it switches to 0,25,200,400 and 600 (800mW setting in reality). Also, the power level indicator on the TX800 is now indicating/confirming the 800mW power level mode.


Hi, i know this is out of the main topic. and i dont know if i should open a separate topic for this request.
I bought and installed a Micoair MTF-01. The range finder is working but i cannot find the FLOW_TYPE when searching full parameters. I think it was not included on the firmware. Please help me have this enabled for the Speedybee F405 mini. i hope this is possible. Thank you

Yes, I think you"re right! You have to build your own custom firmware. Follow the link.