Trying to load Bdshot firmware to controller, saying no enough room on the chip???
You don’t need any special firmware for Dshot. Do you mean Bdshot?
My mistake, yes Bdshot firmware.
Yes trying with BL and without, through mission planner, beta flight and st cube, no beuno…
Forget about Betaflight Configurator. Follow This procedure using STM32CubeProgrammer. If it didn’t work you did something wrong. Or, flash the Bootloader 1st with DF-Util and then use Mission Planner to flash Arducopter.
Loading firmware
Loading firmware
@dkemxr : I can’t say much about the Betaflight configurator, but in general a first flash with the INAV configurator is much easier and faster than with the STM32CubeProgrammer.
If I were you, I would try it out with an open mind. Assuming that beginners are to flash an FC with ArduPilot for the first time. The STM32CubeProgrammer and the instructions in the wiki are more likely to confuse than help.
I would have thought the same thing but it worked fine for the non Bdshot firmware.
It’s not the first load on it, I’ve flashed it a few times, I can flash it to Beta Flight, and back to Ardupilot, but not with that Bdshot firmware. And I’m doing full chip erase. I have a Matek F405 VTOL version I’m going to try, I’m thinking that TE version firmare isn’t 100% compatible across the platform.
If it has any version of Ardupilot on it then download the .apj file from the repository and use Mission Planner to flash it.
I have used every tool to flash firmware. My preferred choice is to use DFU-util to flash the bootloader and then Mission Planner to flash Ardupilot.
DFU-util may work well for Linux users, I don’t doubt it.
I am currently doing a workshop in a local forum. Users who have never done anything with FCs are taking part. Some of the users are older and have little PC experience. And if they do have a PC, it’s usually Windows. So generally beginners. There is nothing with DFU-util, but with the INAV configurator everyone has managed it … (and some people have already started it before and then got a “shock” with the MP, but that’s not the topic here ;)).
Funny I was just thinking, I usually flash to rover, then back to plane or copter, I’ll try that first, then the apj file
Looks like the apj file did it, thanks for the suggestion! Just weird that I couldn’t flash straight to Bdshot.
Once Ardupilot of any flavor is on the board I always download the .apj file of choice from the repository and flash it with Mission Planner. Because MP almost always lags Ardupilot relying on it to select something can be problematic.
I realize this wasn’t your exact problem just a suggestion.