So I have been flying this hex for a few hours and have had great success. Was in a bigger area today with perfect calm conditions.
First flight of the day
Took off in Stab, then alt hold. Played in loiter then a bit to make sure things looked good.
Then switched to drift mode. Was flying around about 60’ off ground and then decided to stretch the distance a bit.
Went straight and level at not that great a speed. Got a low rssi from taranis. Then heard the failsafe alarm from Pixhawk. It went into RTL and immediatly started to flip and turn into the ground.
What I’ve seen from your log that caught my attention is a massive brownout of the main batteries, that has coincided (perhaps) with the RSSI warning on the radio, right before the failsafe event. From there it is expected that there was not enough power to fly…
[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 15.23.09.png[/attachment]
I don’t think that the mode change caused that, because you can see from the log that the mode change to RTL occurs after the problem with the power (most likely the RTL was triggered because of the power issue).
While I was testing the 3.3 I did lots of flights with a small quad and did lots of mode changes even on crazy situations and had no issues, and including testing the Emergency Stop function
Do you have RSSI wired from the receiver to the PixHawk??.
If it was one my drones, and I know it’s almost impossible after a crash, I would look at main battery connectors, connections, before the Power module (if you’re using a standard configuration i.e. battery->Power Module->PDB) because the logs do indicate a problem on that area (momentary total loss of power).