Marvemind Ublox Protocol IST8310 emulated compass not detected

I am trying to build a quadcopter to fly indoors using marvelmind indoor gps. As per their documentation it is possible to activate an Ublox license which allows Marvelmind to be used as a ublox GPS + Compass. I am able to get the GPS data but i cannot get the compass data. According to a conversation i had with Marvelmind staff, they are emulating IST8310 mag which I believe is supported by Arducopter 4.0.7.
But Unfortunately, the compass is not getting detected(not shown under HW ID). I am using the old Pixhawk 1 board as my flight controller. Can anyone suggest what the issue might be? What are the necessary conditions for registering a compass?
Note: I can detect an HMC5883 Mag through the same port. Also COMPASS_TYPEMASK is 0

Hi there,

Just few questions:
Did you managed your issue?
How did you set your param. list, such that Pixhawk can able to see headgehog in a Ubx protool in Mission Planner in the 3D fix or No Fix?


I couldn’t interface directly. I had to edit the ardupilot code and use an STM32 chip between the communication of pixhawk and marvelmind. So one i2c port of stm32 reads from marvelmind and send the values through another i2c to the pixhawk. I do not think that is the best solution though.