Mamba H743 Issues

I have been having fits with this board and wanted to see if I was alone. First off - its incredibly power hungry, and without a battery connected only the basics power - no baro, no gyros…frustrating to say the least. Now I am having problems with a second run of auto-tune - all looks great but then it says it cant level and will not progress with the tuning. I’m about at my wits end and will probably yank this board next week and go back to my tried and true Matek H743 that has been bulletproof for me, but figured I would try something else as everywhere was out of the Matek in 30x30. Don’t get me wrong - for my test flights on BF I had no issues with the board or ESC, but it just doesn’t seem to be a good fit for Ardupilot.

Has anyone else had success or similar issues - am I out to lunch?


While the power distribution sounds poorly conceived and likely reason enough for me to avoid using that board, the autotune issue you’re having is vibration or initial settings related and has nothing to do with the exact hardware at hand.

Yea, those SpeedyWooMambaStars boards generate a lot of traffic on the forum…

I have two racing quads fitted with these and they fly better than my Matek boards. The only issue is the power issue which seems to be board related - not all of mine do this. I think one way round it is to power the peripherals off the BEC so that they are only powered when connected to battery - that way the baros etc should come up when on USB power.

This is a good board - don’t give up!

Post a log about failing to level - this is noise related and nothing to do with the board