Makeflyeasy fighter

I have my new Fighter now completely asembled. I am now trying to load the correct firmware. The flight controller is the A1 as sold by Makeflyeasy. anybody to help me identifying the correct firmware for this plane?The firware I uplaoded is the following: stable-4.4.4/pixsurvey A1/arduplane.apj. this way al control survices sea to worh well, but when I try to test the motor i receive an error mesage as follows: set parameter error ensure your version is AC3.3+. Can sombody explain what this means, as I have no uidea! thanks for your help.

That’s the right firmware.

That error is seen in the ESC calibration screen right? It means nothing to you as you are using a version higher than AC3.3 . That message should really be removed.

Hi Dave, thanks for your reply, Y suppose you are right; but how do Y remove the message? with the message present I can not calibrate te motors.

Post a screenshot of the Mission Planner ESC calibration screen.

It’s not showing an ESC type which is probably why it’s presenting that “set parameter error” message. It should show the protocol configured like this:
ESC cal

Dshot here which is all I would use but if it’s standard PWM it would be “normal”

I don’t think ESC calibration is supported on ArduPlane - thus the error.

I will come back to you later, wife calls me for lunch. thanks for helping me.

You can refer to the ESC calibration process above.

I have problems connecting my SIYI HM 30 camera to the Skydroid H16 ground station, sombody can help me?

Two different manufacturers products may not be compatible, you’d better contact the manufacturer.