hello everyone, im new to pixhawk . Im facing a problem with radiolink pixhawk where the motors connected to main out 2 and 4 run on armed and the other two does not. it not a motors problem since i switched the connections and the other two motors are now runs. when I apply throttle all motors start to rotate at same the speed but the ones connected to 2 and 4 start to increase their speed by them self. what seem to be the problem? I have done ESC calibration multiple times!
Reading this might help…
Thank you for your reply.I have read this before I don’t think it’s the motors dead zone, because before changing connection the two rear motors spin faster and increase their speed , but after I switch connection (1 to 2 and 3 to 4) the two front motors spin faster and do the thing where they increase speed by them self…
Do you have the props on or off?
off , but the two rear motors still the the only ones that rotate while prop on until I ably throttle, haven’t kept it on the ground long enough to notice it increasing the motors speed by itself while prop is on though…
Ground testing with props off is not gonna work. That is what Motor Test is for. In fact, motor test will show you which motors are “slow”. The way to figure this out is to got to Motor Test. Read this: Setting Motor Range
What we “think” and what is are often two entirely different things…