Mac detects 3dr Radio, but APM PLanner 2.0.17 does not?

Hi all,

Just got my self an AMP 2.6 (been flying on CC3D for a while now) and I am having issues getting the APM to recognize the 3DR radio thats plugged into the USB.

Running Mac OS X Yosemite version 10,10

See the first screenshot, its my System Information screen. The APM 2.6 plugged into one USB port is recognized as the Arduino Mega 2560, and I can connect to the board no prob through APM Planner

When I plug in the 3DR radio into the USB it comes up as the “CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller”. Is this the correct for the device?

Second screenshot, when I try to connect to the APM through the Initial Setup/3DR Radio screen, the Link Settings Dropdown is blank, and there are no values in it.

If I go to the Advanced Settings screen, I get the following list of devices that APM Planner sees. In there I see the usbmodem1411 which is the USB to the APM 2.6, and then I see all my bluetooth modules (BATTY, CRASHBOT). But I do not see the 3DR radio.

Am I doing something wrong here? Am I going to the right screens to setup the 3DR radio?

Thanks for reading and any replies

(Sorry for second post, but I do not see an “edit” button anywhere to edit my original post)

forgot to mention that I downloaded the latest FTDI drivers from this site (The Mac 10.10 came out 15 days ago)

I am running APM PLanner 2.0.17 on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.

Please see the attached screenshot that shows my System Information, with the 3DR radio detected as the “USB to UART…”

Where did you get your radio? The 3DR Radio uses a FTDI chip. I have found you need to install the FTDI drivers for them to work (the one built into OSX does not). The tested one is in the downloaded .dmg

I got the 3DR radio from Multirotomania, a legit store in CA. My driver I got from here:

IN the screenshot attached you can see that with the drive installed when I plug in the radio it shows up as “CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller” in Mac’s System Information.

Humm, from reading the FTDI site I can see that I am supposed to see the device pop up as


Which I do not. So I will troubleshoot some more by un-installing and re-installing the drivers

Did you manage to find a solution? I am having a similar issue and cant’t figure it out.

My only guess is that you are not using a 3DR Radio that is using the FTDI chip, but some variant with a new USB chip from SiLabs. Try installing the driver for that. (it not a genuine ‘3dr Radio’ meaning it’s a hardware derivative, so needs different drivers)

see … ivers.aspx

If it’s installed correctly, you should see the device listed by going to terminal and typing ls /dev/cu.*

If it does not appear contact the manufacturer on how to install the radio to work on OSX. I don’t have one to test. Send me one I can probably figure it out.