M/P will not upgrade

Hi there is a new beta uograde for Mission Planner,I have tried a few times but it gets stuck at parameter 3 upgrade,is there a work around for this please.

I saw it sit at 3 for awhile and then completed. But I’m not sure if it updated. This is what is shows now:


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Mine is showing 1.3.80 build ans 1.3,8686.8447,so looks like yours updated will try again and thank you,Dave.

Hi Dave,no still a problem,even tried uninstalling and loading latest MSI mission planner hangs on no 3 upload

Updated fine here as well. I’ve seen the hang up at the same point before, though. I just try again another day, and it works itself out.

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Will try tomorrow Yuri_Rage and hopefully all is well and will report back

It has updated Ye Hoo

I just did the update and it said it failed, but then when I relaunched MP the build number had in fact changed. Very strange.

Edit: the fail was legit, but it was user error. (this user…) I had multiple desktops running MP at the same time. All good.

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There is something going on as in the Quick Screen I have 3 rows of data and every time it loses the third row settings Allister Schreiber,

I have the same problem for some time now. It just won’t update, on step 3 of 911 (Getting GeoUtility.pdb) it got stuck and after a while I’ve got this: ‘Update Failed A task was cancelled’.
I was trying on different times/days, but the outcome is the same.
I did uninstall/reinstall but it didn’t help…
Is there a zip/msi with the latest beta? AFAIK there were a lot of changes after the latest stable version in ArduCopter and MP.

are you running it as an administrator on window pc ?

Yes, the only difference is that it takes a little longer before I’ve get the error.