LUA Scripting - Guided mode yaw control

Which LUA command would be appropriate for yaw control in guided mode. I still want the copter to keep its position control to not drift with the wind ect. The feature i am looking for compares to the “point camera here” command through missionplanner. A location for yaw, relative yaw degree or earth frame yaw command would be useful for LUA use, in Guided mode :slight_smile:

I think this is what you’re after:

vehicle:set_target_pos_NED(target_pos, use_yaw, yaw_deg, use_yaw_rate, yaw_rate_degs, yaw_relative, terrain_alt)

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Nice one, thanks! I have been looking for this also. :slight_smile:

If the yaw_rate_degs is used, is it limited by max values in the parameters on the copter? Also, what does the terrain_alt option do?

– desc
@param target_pos Vector3f_ud
@param use_yaw boolean
@param yaw_deg number
@param use_yaw_rate boolean
@param yaw_rate_degs number
@param yaw_relative boolean
@param terrain_alt boolean
@return boolean

function vehicle:set_target_pos_NED(target_pos, use_yaw, yaw_deg, use_yaw_rate, yaw_rate_degs, yaw_relative, terrain_alt) end

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