Lua Scripting File Won't Show via MAVFTP

@Yuri_Rage you are correct.


How can i identify the link I’m trying to use for MAVFTP?
This Lua Scripts — Copter documentation doesn’t really mention it.

Nothing to do with telemetry

You’ve lost me. MAVFTP occurs over the telemetry link you’re using in Mission Planner.

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It is all set to MAVLINK2. This wasn’t happening previously either. Just one day it decides not to prompt me to expand file.

Perhaps a bad SD card?

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I have a cube orange, does it even have a removable SD?

Yes. It’s under the micro USB port. It’s a little tough to see, but it’s there.

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It’s the SD card. The mechanism that locks it in doesn’t really work anymore so it was just hanging out. I didn’t even know it has a removable one! F***

Thanks so much man :sweat_smile:

The easiest things are sometimes the hardest to find (so to speak)! Glad you solved it.

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