@Yuri_Rage you are correct.
How can i identify the link I’m trying to use for MAVFTP?
This Lua Scripts — Copter documentation doesn’t really mention it.
Nothing to do with telemetry
You’ve lost me. MAVFTP occurs over the telemetry link you’re using in Mission Planner.
It is all set to MAVLINK2. This wasn’t happening previously either. Just one day it decides not to prompt me to expand file.
Perhaps a bad SD card?
I have a cube orange, does it even have a removable SD?
Yes. It’s under the micro USB port. It’s a little tough to see, but it’s there.
It’s the SD card. The mechanism that locks it in doesn’t really work anymore so it was just hanging out. I didn’t even know it has a removable one! F***
Thanks so much man
The easiest things are sometimes the hardest to find (so to speak)! Glad you solved it.