Lua binding for set_override in Rover 4.2.3

I’ve been trying to write some Lua to do some set_override functions, but the firmware of the autopilot im using has Rover 4.2.3 and its not in my control to update, and looks like set_override is not an option on this version, is there something else i could do or an older parameter maybe?


The set_override Lua function was introduced in Rover 4.4.0 (AP_Scripting: added set_override method for scripting · ArduPilot/ardupilot@e8115a9 · GitHub), to you’ll need to upgrade to that version or later.

This is the second time you’ve been recommended to update this firmware. I understand you have a team resistant to change, but you will continue to encounter issues like this (likely at an increasing rate) the longer you stay stuck 2+ years in the past. Explaining that to your team may help move the project forward.

Yeah it is a real frustration @Yuri_Rage i’ve been trying to get the to upgrade for a while, incompatibility issues have been consistent, I will do my best to get them to update!