LTM to MAVLink converter

LTM has been added to ardupilot recently, allowing low datarate downlink telemetry with reasonable update rates at 2400 or even 1200 baud. however, there‘s only a limited choice of GCS options that natively support LTM protocol.

this is a simple arduino LTM to MAVLink converter, parsing the most vital flight data and making it available to MAVLink compatible GCSs:

i‘d like to add that my coding background is absolutely limited, this is the first working version and i appreciate all guidance and support the community has to offer to improve this.

thanks to all projects i‘ve taken code fragments from, and all the ardupilot team of course.

have a happy new year everyone!

cheers, basti.


added support for ESP8266, MAVLink output via UDP

Can you make a video on how to do this? I’m using a TX16s, my laptop connects to q ground control via UDP, ESP8266 is connected to UART1 on the controller via pin D8 to RX. Qground control sees that there is something on port 14555 but there has to be a baud rate issue coming from my controller? I tried to see a input serial stream on the esp8266 but no luck, and changed the LMT baud rate in the code. This is the key to getting my and many others antenna trackers to work with INAV over ExpressLRS.