Lowrance HDS stream full sonar to PC / mission planner

Yeah that will work. That one is RJ45 female socket - so you’ll need another RJ45 - RJ45 male to male (eg a normal computer network cable)

Small chance you will need a cross over network cable if you don’t get a link light on your wireless bridge wired network port.

Thanks for the help, here in the US, it is tough to integrate anything that is not “Lowrance”

is it the same where you are?

Has it been determined if this works with the FS series also? I believe they do not have WIFI, but do have a hardwired ethernet port that may provide the same access?

Hi Marko

I had a look and seems lowrance elite FS does support screen mirroring. So i think hooking up your wireless bridge to the ethernet port would work fine.

That is very good news. Thank you very much for responding.


Hi aussiemaverick,

nice to read this topic!
I started working on it straight away. I have connected my Lowrance HDS pro to a WiFi router and I can stream the lowrance via a WiFi bridge to the VLC app.

I just can’t figure out how to get the video images from the Lowrance into the HUB.
Can you explain the steps on how to get the Lowrance into the HUB, or is there another topic for this that can help me?

Hi @Marcel007

Do you mean HUB or HUD ? If its the HUD heads up display in mission planner, i can’t remember 100% all the steps but here is based on my memory.

Get IP address of lowrance HDS. (in my example
Make sure VLC can display HDS stream ok then close VLC
Gstreamer installed in default location (c:/gstreamer)
Mission planner installed
On MP HUD, go to Video → Set GStreamer source.

rtspsrc location=rtspu:// latency=50 ! decodebin3 ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGRA ! appsink name=outsink

Note - change the to whatever IP your lowrance HDS is.

Beautifully done! As long as you purchase a 4G router, you can remotely control your boat in a LAN within a 4G network for free, and you can remotely control your boat without distance restrictions.
I hope you can continue to study how to achieve remote control lowrance

I provide an idea, it should be possible to remotely control lowrance, deploy the host on land, and deploy sonar on unmanned ships. There is a cable connection between the lowrance host and the sonar. I analyzed the connection method and it should be an RS422 connection. Two of the cables are tx, which provide power to the sonar at the same time. The other two are RX, which receive data from the sonar. signal, I guess all sonar signals at different frequencies are transmitted to the host, and the host can choose to parse and display the sonar signals at different frequencies.
If you use the RS422 to RJ45 network interface, you can transmit the sonar signal remotely, thereby deploying the host on land and deploying sonar on the unmanned ship. The disadvantage is that the signal is a little delayed.

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Hi aussiemaverick,

sorry for the late respons.

I have the lowrance working on VLC.
But I can’t Gstreamer to work.
I suspect something went wrong when downloading Gstreamer. Which version of Gstreamer did you download? (Or a link)

The Lowrance works on VLC.

I installed Gstream.

Mission planner installed, and connect via WiFI.
But when I go to MP HUD - Video - Set Gstreamer source. I get this message

Someone knows what Im doing wrong??