I have a flying wing with a Pixhawk Mini and airspeed sensor running Arduplane 3.8.4. It has operated well for many missions. I have recently had two bad nose dives (called Max 8 crashes) which seemed the same but the telemetry says different.
The first from stable flight at 50m AGL at 14m/s airspeed into wind of 6m/s:
I triggered the problem by manually nosing over to a 45 degree dive by mistake. However, switched to stabilize within a second and it did not pull out. It appears the 45 degree dive caused the GPS speed to reduce below Min (it should by geometry) and so although the air speed was fine I believe Ardupilot thought it needed to speed up and did not try to pull out until too late. It was low and hit the ground before I reacted. GPS speed dropped rapidly to 1.3m/s and then increased to 7.5m/s. Airspeed increased uniformly to 32m/s. Airspeed_FBW_Min is set to 9m/s, Max is 22. Is this a known effect on ground speed causing trouble? Is the GPS speed taking priority over air speed? If you would like to look at this further I can attach the bin file.
The second crash looked the same but was different because it was already at high air (24m/s) and ground speed (20). It tried to pull a hard turn at 45 degrees bank and then appears to have not had elevator authority to pull up but it also did not try hard. It held in the 45 degree bank and up elevator mixed on the elevons. But both speeds increased. Neither elevon was at max travel, in fact the inside elevon is near neutral in a turn to effect the turn. I don’t find a fault and wonder if this is a problem of a wing and elevons being unable to pull a hard turn and pull out of a dive. If I had worked it out I would have reduced ailerons and so enabled more pull up. But from 35m it hit the ground first. Another stunned mullet reaction!
So as not to cause concern; you will see I fly at an airfield but I monitor the CTAF and would land if traffic called in.