Lost live compass calibration c-3.5.0 beta


I’m David, and it’s my first message.

I just update de firmware to use de telemetry cable for flight deck with my taranis.

And now, when I want compass calibrate, I don’t find de live calibration button.

Can you help me please

thanks a lot

Use the onboard method
works fine

Yes, the on-board method actually produces a better result. It does “scaling” not just “offsets”

OK thank you very much.
When the process is finished, it asks me to restart the pixhawk, is correct, are not going to lose the values ​​of the compass when I turn off the system?

Correct to restart after. see here:


ok thaks, complete!:+1:

I didnt know that there are onboard method in 3.5

I lost live calibration button too.

onboard calibrations sounds great!!

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