Looking to buy a rudder guidance computer for a mid size marine drone

Hi everyone

I am looking for someone to build me a gps guided computer for my USV marine drone. Simple mechanism to manage the rudder and battery drain while transmitting it location to me remotely and able to receive commands in the form of gps points.
Pretty simple, I’m happy to pay someone with good expertise to build me such a device, since I have no experience of my own in building computers. So:

I am building a solar powered marine drone, unmanned to do some LIDAR and hydrographic surveys. Our equipment is about 10-15kgs in floating weight
So far there’s about 500 or so watts of solar power panels and I’m looking for this boat to be able to be at sea for months potentially since there’s a large area far off the coast beyond cell service range that needs to be surveyed. Myself I would build the hull body along with the solar panels. You would bill me for the materials in the form of batteries and parts, motor, iridium internet module etc plus your time. I would do the install and possibly ask you some guidance questions.

Well, some additional info would be helpful:

  • What location are you / the project based at? (Easier to meet at times to solve certain issues)
  • Any idea of size and weight of craft ? (Assuming that the already mentioned weight is just the equipment you intend to use) → (+ craft + control equipment + battery + motor + ?? )

Hey Karl,
The vessel is 2.3 metres long about 100 lbs in total. I’m based in Australia

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