Looking for Rx-Tx on Exotic frequencies (Specially 5.1 to 5.7 GHz Band)

Hello All

Thank You for all the technical support and knowledge you all have provided on my last thread. FIY, my threads and questions are all for research & knowledge purpose only and never end with any kind of mass production.

1. I am looking for Transmitters and Receivers using frequencies anywhere from 5.1 to 5.7 GHz.

  • I know 95% of the Rx Tx use 2.4 Ghz frequency for communication.
  • Few RF modules and ELRS are on 902-928 Mhz.
  • My DJI Mavic Mini 1 (Model MR1SS5) uses ONLY 5.725-5.850 GHz. If DJI let stick communication work on 5.8 Ghz, why not other manufacturers offers the same?
  • BUT now different frequency modules are there in market.

2. Can I change carrier frequency of Tx & Rx manually? Is it like manually twitching some potentiometer to change frequency?

  • Are any RF modules available in market for end users which let frequencies to be change by operator?

3. Referring “DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone”, It on-paper specs mentions 2.4 & 5.8 Ghz.

  • I know 2.4 is there for stick comm and 5.8 for video comm but can the DJI system switch between these two automatically or manually?
  • For example, if I remove 1 one the 2 antennas, restricting the RF emission, the drone identifies it has hindrance and switches with the other available frequency for smooth operation.

I request you all to please help me with these questions.

Thanks & Regards


Thank you for the response. Please explain more about the VRX RD945.
I believe it is a FPV video receiver but how we will operate it on different frequencies?

It works like 99% of video receivers (VRX). It has an automatic channel/frequency scan mode and has two buttons to sequentially change channels and within those, frequencies.

It is on the video transmitter (VTX) that you specify the channel/frequency to be used.