Looking for paid freelance support for cube+ HW & SW integration

Looking for paid freelance support for hard- and software integration of Cube+
We are in the process of developing a 200 kg quadplane UAV for professional use.
Currently we would want to do a flying testbed quadcopter.

We are operating in the UK and Kenya - work can be done remotely.


Hello @jaythomas our company provides consulting services in that area.

Yes, it is all possible. We are based in Germany.

Let’s continue this privately.

Hi jaythomas, is the request already been solved? i have a newly formed company with expertise in sUAS

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Hi Atlas,
Please let me know if you have vacancy in Test Pilot roles.

Hi, not yet, looking for someone who could help and could do eg. the LUA script…

can you please share with me an email so we can explore your needs furthermore?