Hi There,
I am looking to pay someone to help me with building and setting up a Heewing T1 PNP Pro + VTOL with an FPV camera, FC, and a MakeFlyEasy 4+1 VTOL install FC, Camera, SIYI HD 30 and then set it all up on Ardu pilot & Mission Planner. Maybe 5 days work?
I am extremely new to this and want to employ someone to build and teach at the same time.
Could be the start of ongoing work, as I have a big project, but I’m starting small.
I’m in West London but I can travel a few hundred miles in UK if necessary.
It could be done remotely from abroad - I build under your instructions?
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
07984 271 632
Send meeting invite on omkarpande101@gmail.com will help you to build one .
Please send it on weekend so that I can manage by time to remotely assist you!!