Long time reader, First Help Question


Here’s the go…
Running config -
Sky-hero 700mm frame
about 4 or 5 KG
X8 with 2815-470KV 13" props
6S 6000mAh
Pixhalk Arducopter 3.2

[attachment=0]2015-10-02 17.15.42.jpg[/attachment]

So far flying well in Stab mode, and will loiter in one place nice… The problem comes when i want to fly around in Loiter, but it also showed up in mission and RTL…

From what can work out, the flight computer starts hammering the motors, and it sounds bad… the longer hold forward flight in mode, the worse it gets… if you look at the Motor outputs you can see them bouncing from close to min to max…

Ive tried many settings, but not sure which i need to concentrate on…

I have loaded the last 10min flight, I may have played with the Loiter rate P and I closer to the end, but it does not seem to have made much difference…

any comments welcome, and thankful :sunglasses:

Logs 12Mb, bins 4Mb so ive put them on Dropbox… nor sure of a better way to share…

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/799 … -54-37.log
dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/799 … -54-37.bin