Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

To the best of my knowledge yes. However the FUAV link isn’t working. I reported it, they have told me that it does. I sent them screen grabs showing it does. The others do work.

Does anyone know how to get a USB cable for T12 ?, I have tried all the OTGs I have and they don’t work. Or a connection diagram, to build one

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@PAPO, I am sure it is a simple usb cable. I get video on my lenovo tablet from t12 with my regular usb-c cable not from Skydroid

Hi Gal,
Thanks for answering, but not for me, I have tried dozens of cables that I have and nothing. Not with the Huawei phone, samsung, or tablet or anything. Very rare thing.

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Solved !!
It es a OTG cable, means ID pin connected to ground(-)
Android OTG cable

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:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: though I wonder how it works for me :thinking:

Hello everyone,
No sign of the Skydroid team. Does anyone know where or how to get Skydroid Tower with functional map?
Thank you

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I can see a map only if provider is baidu

Baidu? is no a option in the version 6.4 I have. Wich version you have?
this I have:
from RickyG

Bad thing! I downloaded it again and version 7 appears, but the map is terrible and the video has no control tools or option to record, nor is there any indication of the received signal (RSSI) (The voice and english is better)
The development of this app is very weak, how much longer will we have to wait to have a complete and professional solution?

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@PAPO I use QGC only for now, the tower app is too buggy

Yes, me too, although you have to open 2 apps to see the video too

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Hi all,
I’m trying for one week to get the telemetry of the skydroid working without success :frowning:

I’m using Pixhawk 4:

  • PPM RC works.
  • Video works.
  • Device Helper App works.

Telemetry wiring:
Pixhawk4 TX -> RX Skydroid
Pixhawk4 RX <- TX Skydroid
Pixhawk4 Negative -> Negative Skydroid
Only this 3 cables connected to Pixhawk4 Telem1 port.

I made the cable 2 times, just in case is the cable without sucess.

Powering Pixhawk with battery via Power1 cable (not in the picture)

I can connect to the Pixhawk with usb to the laptop and see that is receiving the RC with Qgroundcontrol.

I tested in two different android devices with Android 7 and 10, with 3 different versions of the app & Qgroundcontrol

In skydroid app I get the video working, but when I try to connect with bluetooth, I can’t.
I get different errors depending of the app:

So don’t know what is wrong… :face_with_head_bandage:
Is the receiver broken?
Is the rx&tx of skydroid working with 3.3V ?
What else I’m missing?

Thanks if somebody can help me!!! :pray:

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Hi @Aeracoop,
Make sure your SERIAL1_BAUD is set to 57600 and SERIAL1_PROTOCOL is set to Mavlink1.


Hi, I think you should recheck 3 things:

  1. Make sure only one device being connected to the the Skydroid Tx Controller via bluetooth. So it is better to turn off bluetooth of other devices (including notebook). You only turn on bluetooth of the device that you want to use.
  2. Make sure that the Tx and Rx is correct.
  3. If you still have problem, unpair the bluetooth connection and then do pairing again.
    Hope this help.

Thanks @gnitzan & @ton999 !!!

I always disconnect the BT in the other devices.

At the end using the FUAV app, I put the baudrate in 57600 and works.

I was thinking that the baudrate from the flightcontroller to the receiver was different from the baudrate from the bluetooth to the android device.

But yes, Now I understand that the whole chain should have the same baudrate.

Thanks for bringingme some light!
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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You are right, I have forgot to mention the whole chain should be the same baud rate, since if I remember correctly the default on all Skydroid units was 57600, but maybe now it is different
Glad it is now working for you.

I want to buy T10 transmitter how to buy and it will came at india ?
Aliexpress don’t think it was close in India , alibaba + eBay + bang good also are closed …

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

hello friends. Is it possible to send rtk patches to the rover via the skydroid T12. I am worried about the large latency of the radio

Hi @Jernej_Fajdiga, I was wondering about it my self the other day, when I was thinking about it I figured that the t12 has no such option

Thanks for the reply. But there must be a possibility to send rtk data via mission planner because skydroid t12 works as telemetry and also via usb we connect it to the computer.