I want to build a boat with just one motor in the front of the boat ,and make this motor vector.
Can it use loiter mode in this configuration? bcs I just use one vector motor
I want to build a boat with just one motor in the front of the boat ,and make this motor vector.
Can it use loiter mode in this configuration? bcs I just use one vector motor
yes vectored thrust is supported. I think it supports -90 to +90 degrees with reverse, not a 360 degree single direction thruster.
For any kind of Loiter 2 thrusters is probably the minimum configuration. Use Search on the forum here for buoy bots.
Loiter works with vectored thrust boats. I’ve used it for example on my DeSET mapping boat. The issue is just that it may occasionally drive in a circle around the point if the water is very still with no current.