Loiter mode behavior

Dear all,

While I test sailboat frames, I notice that Loiter mode’s behavior is broken.

You could reproduce this issue for the following steps:

  1. ./Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -v Rover -f sailboat-motor --console -w --speedup=4 -L porter_beach
  2. arm throttle
  3. hold mode for 3 or 4 seconds
  4. loiter mode
  5. After around 3 seconds, the sailboat keeps navigating backward as shown in the picture.

It seems that this issue is a regression because I could not find this issue on Rover-4.0.0.

Test version: ArduRover V4.1.0-beta6 474046e501
Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TtqhB9fYr4rn-FNF9OPn1ujRrAcghxD0/view?usp=sharing

FYI, I have attached a log on Rover-4.0.0.
Test version: ArduRover V4.0.0 0e52baf
Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kGHDxmcsKShMl4a4E_HGfvd1Uj0TdkzB/view?usp=sharing

Thanks for the report. I wonder if the issue is this frame, “sailboat-motor”. This is a sailboat with a motor attached meaning that it may sail or it may use the motor.

Could you retry with just a regular skid steering or ackerman steering boat?

Thanks you for your feedback!
Does “a regular skid steering or ackerman steering boat” mean ‘sailboat’ frame? I’m sorry if I misunderstand.
When I tested the ‘sailboat’ frame, I saw the same issue.
(e.g., ./Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -v Rover -f sailboat --console -w --speedup=4 -L porter_beach)
On the other hand, I could not find the loiter issue in other frames (e.g., rover and rover-skid).

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No, the regular skid-steering or ackerman steering boats are powered only by their motors (e.g. no sail).

Sailboats in general are not able to control their speed so they won’t work well when trying to Loiter.

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Oh, thanks for the explanation!

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