Loiter altitude problem


I bought the APM 2.7 kit from hobbyKing last week :

hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor … =HK%20mega

The stabilized mode works fantastic, but I found something strange when I switch to the Loiter mode.
The altitude is variating up to ± 4 meters and I observe many jumps to the quad altitude. Have a look to the video link bellow (note that there was no wind and I wasn’t sending commands to the radio during the video):

drive.google.com/open?id=0B5pq1 … authuser=0

Is someone knows what setting could be fine tune or if there is something wrong with my barometric pressure sensor?


copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/althol … n_problems

Vibration could be the problem I guess. I’m close to the -15 to -5 range on the accz. I’ll try to add some foam and let you know the result.

could well be that…I try to keep it to 9 to 11 range or better if possible