LOGOS - Ardupilot compatible GCS

Hi guys, I’m happy to announce the release of brand new Mavlink gcs - LOGOS for Windows.
It provides a 3D view mode, binding of physical structures and an in-built simulator that helps to better visualize planned missions.

I believe it will be useful for somebody.


Our website is now supplemented with the detailed user guide:

Soon, the GCS will start to warn you about trial license expiration. This primarily concerns those, who installed the app close to our first release, happened at the end of November.

As soon as the app asks you to enter the license key just register on our website and request another key.
The good news is that currently it’s FREE!

Can we please get Terms of Service, license and privacy policy?

Sure, @LupusTheCanine, all legal documents in compliance with most data protection regulation acts have been added

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

We are happy to inform you that compass calibration has been finally added to our GCS.
The user experience of accelerometer calibration is also improved.

Though, the UAV tuning is not the focus of our product, we are sure it’s good to have these basic options in the field.

The 1.2 version has been released with a new groundbreaking feature:
automatic routes planner for the inspection of wind turbine blades

So, after 9 months of hard work developing an application & website, solving 250+ problems of varying complexity and nature, closing all legal issues, dealing with red tape, and obtaining a UAV operator certificate, it’s high time to move on to the most interesting part - assembling the first prototype.
This little guy has to prove that all the work done in LOGOS GCS is functional not only in the simulation, but also in reality.
Ahead lies assembly, adjustment, registration in the experimental aviation sector, obtaining permission to fly, and finally, the long-awaited tests.
Spring promises to be hot and full of exciting activity.

Strange to see that there is very little discussion here, this seems to have many good features. I guess the idea of anything not free/open source here is not as popular.

Is there any tests or videos showing flights or setup instructions?

I’m sorry to see you are using speedy bee V3 here( unless it is a V4) V3 has many issues and I have never had good luck with it.( imo the real baseline test is Cube Orange, or try and get a V4)

Look forward to seeing how your progress goes!

Tune it methodically to avoid accidents and unnecessary iterations

Also I notice that the in the software the map zoom is not possible on touch screen ( just mouse pad). It may also be helpful to have zoom buttons.

Also how to delete a point once created?

Is there an official place to post issues?

Hi Tristan,

  1. Yeah, it might be not that easy to obtain an interest and trust from public providing something new and unknow. But we are struggling to make our product attractive. Moreover, the browser and operation system claims not to install the softaware because it is not signed with code signing certificate. The good news is that the certificate is purchased and sent to us. In one or two week we will publish a newer version that users can trust.

  2. There are no videos yet as our government does not allow individuals to build, utilize, test UAVs and even store the components. Only companies are allowed to do that. So, now, as the company is registered, and all certificates are obtained we are planning to record all the test flights and demonstrate it in social media.

  3. We don’t have troubles with V3 except using inbuilt Bluetooth. The trick is that we reprogrammed the firmware a little bit to be able to send commands on board and receive telemetry. But the choise was made due to convenience of the flight controller, it’s popularity, recommendations from comunity and price.

  4. Zoom for touch screens: good idea - consider it’s added to the task list

  5. Deleting the point: just right click on it and chose ‘Remove’. Almost all the functionality is well described on our website in ‘Documentation section’. Later we record a series of video tutorials and publish them in Youtube.

  6. Posting issues: you can now use our feedback form that can be found on the main page under customers testimonials section.

Thanks for your feedback, Tristan. It will definitely make our product better.

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Hi amilcarlucas,
Probably I will never start if I follow your recommendations (joking).

The truth is that though many points from your article are known to me there are lots of useful information.
Your work is impressing!

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Thanks Alex. It actually speeds up the process of getting a vehicle working safely.

Experience the improved design of LOGOS.
We have finally released a version 2.0

Release notes:

  • Artificial horizon is redesigned
  • Map zoom buttons are added
  • Navigate to home point button is added.
  • Satelites indicator is placed along with artificial horizon
  • Battery indicator is placed along with artificial horizon
  • Naviagate to UAV button is placed along with artificial horizon
  • Compass is placed inside artificial horizon
  • Altimeter is placed along with artificial horizon
  • Hints for map modes are made more brief

It’s a high time to demonstrate how to build a fully autonomous ready to fly drone controlled by our GCS.

Here is a link to a first article of a series:

There will be other three describing how to flash the controller with the firmware, callibrate accellerometer and compass as well as how to configure the drone for flights.

We are excited to announce a new design update to the Route Planning feature! This update is aimed at improving the overall user experience, offering a more intuitive and efficient way to plan, manage, and optimize your routes.

What’s New?
:small_blue_diamond: Streamlined Interface: Enjoy a cleaner and more modern design that simplifies your workflow and reduces planning time.
:small_blue_diamond: Enhanced Visibility: Improved map views and route overviews allow for better decision-making with real-time data and clear visuals.

These updates are live and ready for you to explore! We believe these enhancements will significantly boost your route planning efficiency and help you stay ahead in logistics management.

For more details and tutorials on using the new features, please visit our support portal or reach out to our customer service team.

Happy routing!

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Huge update to our LOGOS (GCS) development! :rocket:

Cross-Platform Compatibility: the GCS is now available not only on Windows but also on Linux and Mac! This milestone is made possible by our migration to Avalonia UI (thanks to all its genius contributors), ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience across all platforms.

The 3D view mode is a single feature that not yet migrated but it is on the way to be ported as well.

Visit Download Page

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Advanced Facade Inspection becomes available for Ardupilot and DJI drones!

This cutting-edge feature enhances your UAV inspection capabilities, allowing for more precise and efficient facade scanning.

Perfect for ensuring the structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure.


  • creation of any building form that could be imagined
  • export to flight missions for ArduPilot and DJI drones

Upgrade your LOGOS GCS today and take your facade inspections to the next level!
