Logging failed on AC 4.0.1 rc3 cube pilot

I Have updated firmware to AC 4.0.1 rc3 then I rebooted and I got message that prearm :logging failed

I have changed parameter log_disram = 1(enable).


Is this the first time you’ve seen this? For example does it happen with Copter-4.0.0? Could you try switching back to Copter-4.0.0 and see if the problem continues? Then try upgrading to 4.0.1-rc3 again and see if it continues?

It may also help to clear out the log files and if that doesn’t help try re-formatting the SD card.

Thanks for the report.

I’m not done any thing but there is no message appear now as logging failed.
Thank you.

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If none of Randy’s suggestions work, please post a copy of your


Now working fine with beta firmware also I don’t know the reason.
Thank you for your suggestions.