1-Last Friday I made several trips with my boat. I have a pixhawk 2.4.8. I have functional logs from the same day but I have one that has not been saved correctly. On my opinion, the problem was the SD Card (from Aliexpress Pixhawk Kit), maybe was a slow SD Card (White brand). I put a new one from Kingston.
But, the last .bin (log) Can it be rescued?
I had a look at the .bin file but I wasn’t able to “rescue” it. My thought was that perhaps we could use MP’s “Convert .Bin to .Log” feature and then copy-and-paste the FMT messages from another log to this one but sadly the convertion to .log didn’t work (it resulted in a zero length file).
I think setting the LOG_FILE_DSRMROT parameter to 1 will cause a new log file to be created each time the vehicle is armed (see wiki page here).
You need to tack the headers on a step before this. So Hack off the front
of a good .bin file (Say 32kB or so), and tack it onto the front of the
“bad” file.
It’s not going to be pretty, but might rescue some data.