Log-Download Timed Out?

Hi there,

I use QGroundControl quite often and I’ve discovered an issue with the download of Log-Files.

First the download is way to much than the size of the actual Log. Second the download timed out.

I’ve been connected via USB to my Pixhawk. OS: Ubuntu. QGroundControl: Nightly 2017-12-25.

I’d get that if i use a really long USB cable. If i use the normal length cable I’ve never had a problem. Granted that may not be your issue.
I now only use the long cable for calibration, all that spinning and twisting…

What firmware type and version. Newer PX4 firmware has a number of recent fixes to log download in it.

Hi there and thank you all for your answers and hints.

I actually use a USB extension cable, but it is not that long, just about 100 cm. But i’ll give it a try to download it without the extension.

I use the newest stable firmware 3.5.4 ArduCopter.

€: The normal USB cable gives me a time-out, too.
€2: Terminal shows the following:

LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 551880 size: 1080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 551880 size: 1080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 551880 size: 1080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 551880 size: 1080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 552960 size: 46080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 552960 size: 46080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 552960 size: 46080 )
LogDownloadLog: Request log data (id: 41 offset: 552960 size: 46080 )
Too many errors retreiving log data. Giving up.

€3: With APM Planner (2.0.24) it works flawlessly.

Ok, thanks. Can yout put all this detail into q QGC GitHub Issues and we’ll continue discussion there.