So fixed the Iris+ after hitting the geofence (and the ground) by replacing an arm. Did a clean testflight, hover, loiter and all kinds of stuff. No problems at all.
Fixed the gimbal, programmed it and went for a nice flight… well…
Started her up as it should awaited GPS lock and gave some throttle to get it to hover. Nothing happened, apart from the motors spinning up. Then more throtlle, after 50% it started to spin up fast, but still not going airborne. Lost total control and had to push it down to the ground and de-connect the Lipo.
Run through all kinds of calibrations (receiver, ESC’s, etc) but no changes at all. Bit afraid of trying it outside again, so can you please help me out and analyse the log for possible issues???
I started all over as it was probably a SW issue causing the hoover-problem. So all from the textbook: new firmware, new settings, no changes made to that apart setting all to Iris+ settings (as per the book). Then iniating, calibrating all sensors, ESC’s, radio etc by the book and all seemed to work fine.
Then the moment of truth: getting more then 50% throttle, below worked fine. I took 2meters of distance so it could hoover around right above the floor (if the issue still persisted)… well just a bit over 50% throttle and BOOM…
It just took FULL throttle right up in the air… ascending, ascending, initiated RTL, ascending, ascending, uhmmm bit of panic?, ascending and out of sight on a nice blue sky and windless day.
After 15’ looking into the nice clear blue sky, I heard it come down around 50-75 meters away from me, but could not get it in sight as I looked right into the sun. There are builings and houses that way so I started up the laptop, connected to tower but no way to find it back…
I still confused and not sure if I buy an Iris again…