Log analysis of flight data in guided and loiter mode

Hello Everyone,
I need a little help in the log analysis of the flight which I did recently. This help would be much appreciated. I am very new to this log analysis and any advanced inputs from this would be great. These are my logs for lat lon and alt.

First, manually, I took my drone to specific heights and switched to loiter. After some time, I switched to guided(go 5 mts above a point and hold), it performed well and then we switched to loiter where the drone acted crazy for some time.

Also, when I checked the logs, I was getting compass errors and resetting the yaw (my drone was rotating unnecessarily sometimes during the flight).

What else can be rectified/improved of what we see in the logs other than compass calibration?

Thank you so much for the help. Any insights are appreciated!

Kindly share the log file of the flight, so that I can review it @prarthana_sigedar

I am sharing the files with you using drive link. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YYfV3ntkNgOlpjm6cK9Ia6sxrR9UpuhJ?usp=drive_link

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Install or setup a current meter. Run MagFit calibration for the compasses.

Unless you were facing a very consistent wind, I would say the quad is not balanced. The front motors were working harder for the duration of the flight.

Follow the basic tuning setup.

  • Set up a notch filter.
  • Run autotune.

I guess you ran Auto Tune w/o 1st configuring the notch filter and then manually changed Rate Pitch/Roll P&I to inadvisable values. P&I should typically be equal. For now set them both to 0.1
Read the Docs for setting these based on MOT_THST_HOVER:
Looks like you made some changes to some other PSC parameters. Where did that come from?

Thank you so much @dkemxr @Allister . I will definitely look into these valuable inputs.