Log Analysis help, please

Good evening -
If anyone has a free moment, a little log analysis help would be much appreciated. I am very new to log analysis, I did indeed read the “common-diagnosing problems using logs” as noted in the ‘please read before posting’. Problem is, I am real new to this, and it seems I have all 6 problems - I am trying to figure out what the root [if any] problem is. A brief overview of my flight:

First attempt at an auto-mode flight. Programmed a few waypoints, put it up and let it go. 3 times it ran the route perfectly. Charge back up the battery, try it again a little before noon. Noticeable cloud cover and a stiff breeze (~7-8 mph). Quad takes off, sputters a little on the way up. Continues nicely, hits first waypoint. Continues on to the 2nd waypoint, starts falling [appears to be a controlled fall], never recovers and eventually crashes.

I see vibrations are a little higher than the previous flight. GPS HDOP hits 100 at the same time Nsats drops to 0. DesRoll + Roll, Des Pitch + Pitch, Des Yaw + Yaw all seem good. Power Issues graph doesn’t turn up anything.

I also checked Trimble to see what the satellite situation looked like at the time I flew - all looked good.

My question is if I indeed analyzed the log properly (and I’m thinking I am way off because I’m a newb), can a GPS_GLITCH cause the whole thing to fall out of the sky? I thought AC would switch over to stabilize mode, or something should GPS go away? Could it have been a giant UFO or something that I didn’t see that confused the heck out of the GPS? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance,

Wow, lots of views (100), but no responses yet. Is this in the right place? Are these logs really this difficult to diagnose? Am I missing important information in my post? Any suggestions to make it easier for getting help are much appreciated! :slight_smile:
