Loading boat - manual storage of waypoint

Hello, today I tried the charging boat on the water, I was quite surprised how it goes exactly, but I do not know all the time. advice on manually saving the waypoint on Arducopter version 2.8 companies. ardurover 4.2.3.According to the instructions it should be rc 7 opt function 1.I have tried where what -do not know.
Would anyone be willing to help me? Thanks I send a few photos

Your question is a little bit hard to understand. The mentioning of “2.8” leads me to believe you are using an APM 2.8. If that is the case you do not have ardurover 4.2.3 installed, but the last version available for 8 bit hardware, ardurover 3.2.1. Nothing will work like it is described in the docs or in recent versions of Missionplanner. APM 2.8 is old and unsupported for years. There is not even actual support for boats.

Moc děkuji za odpověď předem se omlouvám za angličtinu neumím anglicky používám překladač .Jsem z české republiky a rok narození 1964. Jsem nováček v technice autopilotů.
Pracuji jako elektronik .Mojí zábavou je rybaření .cnc stroje a elektronika .Postavil jsem zavážecí loď pro kamarády a pro sebe jsem namontoval do lodě navigaci .Neměl mě kdo poradit tak jsem zvolil adrucopter .2.8 .Vše jsem se učil sám ale nakonec jsem to dal dohromady.Kdybych to postavil na pixhaw tak by to fungovalo dle mission planner ?

Thank you very much for your reply in advance I apologize in advance for English I don’t speak English I use a translator .I am from Czech republic and year of birth 1964. I am a newbie in autopilot technology.
I work as an electronics engineer .My fun is fishing .cnc machines and electronics .I built a boat for my friends and for myself I mounted a navigation in the boat .I had no one to advise me so I chose adrucopter .2.8 .I learned everything myself but finally I put it together .If I built it on pixhaw would it work according to mission planner ?

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Sebastian Schürmann via ArduPilot Discourse noreply@ardupilot.org
Komu: tumir@seznam.cz
Předmět: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduRover/Rover 4.3] Loading boat - manual
storage of waypoint

Your boat looks really great!
If you replace the APM 2.8 (APM stands for Ardupilot Mega, as it was/is based on a Atmega 2560), you will have much less problems. Many vendors still advertise the APM 2.8 as the latest and greatest, to make a quick profit from unknowing buyers.
All the Ardupilot firmware variants have changed so much since the 8 bit days, no one really remembers how to set them up.
Have a look at the Ardupilot hardware list and see what is available in your country:


I use Mateksys H743-Wing boards in my rovers and as a electronics guy, you should have no problem soldering those (thick copper traces).
But really anything on that list or even a clone Pixhawk 2.4.8 is better than an APM 2.8.
Please feel free to ask, if you need further help.

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Děkuji za odpověď .je mě naprosto jasné že s modulem amp 2.8 jsem udělal chybu .Ale pokud je to platforma arduina mega nešlo by tam nějak doplnit tu funkci ch7 waipont ?. Dala by se načíst data z arduina v nějakém programovacím jazyce pro arduino? je mně líto kupovat další modul když mě téměř vše funguje ,Děkuji za odpověď
Thank you for the answer .it is very clear to me that I made a mistake with the amp 2.8 module .But if it is a mega arduino platform could I somehow add the ch7 waipont function ?. Would it be possible to load data from arduino in some programming language for arduino? i am sorry to buy another module when almost everything works for me , thank you for your answerdo you agree

Thank you for the answer .it is very clear to me that I made a mistake with the amp 2.8 module .But if it is a mega arduino platform could I somehow add the ch7 waipont function ?. Would it be possible to load data from arduino in some programming language for arduino? i am sorry to buy another module when almost everything works for me , thank you for your answerdo you agree
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Sebastian Schürmann via ArduPilot Discourse noreply@ardupilot.org
Komu: tumir@seznam.cz
Předmět: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduRover/Rover 4.3] Loading boat - manual
storage of waypoint

It is a really long time since I last used an APM 2.x board. I seem to remember it had the waypoint saving feature, but I can not remember, if it was for copter or rover. The firmwares differed a lot back then. I also made a mistake (again) in my first answer: The last arducopter firmware for APM boards was 3.2.1, the last ardurover firmware was 2.5.1 beta.
You will have to use an old version of Missionplanner to match the GUI setup to the old firmware. Otherwise you will never know, if a setting is actually working for the APM 2.8.
Here you can find old Missionplanner versions:


I couldn’t remember either so I connected up an old APM running 3.2.1 Copter and the option is there for Save WP. Chan 7 or 8.


But, get a new Flight Controller

Thank you for your reply. I tried this option, but only RTL works. I’m looking for a function function, so that the input channel 8 works on the switch and in the automatic fulfilled the function of the mission. It’s possible that all issues are related to AMP 2.8.
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Dave via ArduPilot Discourse noreply@ardupilot.org
Komu: tumir@seznam.cz
Předmět: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduRover/Rover 4.3] Loading boat - manual
storage of waypoint

Děkuji za odpověď.Tuto možnost jsem vyzkoušel ,ale funguje pouze RTL. Hledám funkci funkci ,tak aby vstupní kanál 8 fungoval na přepinač a v automatice plnil funkci z mise.Je možné že je všechny problémy souvisejí s AMP 2.8.
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Dave via ArduPilot Discourse noreply@ardupilot.org
Komu: tumir@seznam.cz
Předmět: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduRover/Rover 4.3] Loading boat - manual
storage of waypoint

Thank you for your reply. I tried this option, but only RTL works. I’m looking for a function function, so that the input channel 8 works on the switch and in the automatic fulfilled the function of the mission. It’s possible that all issues are related to AMP 2.8.
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Sebastian Schürmann via ArduPilot Discourse noreply@ardupilot.org
Komu: tumir@seznam.cz
Předmět: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduRover/Rover 4.3] Loading boat - manual
storage of waypoint

Do you have any option to buy another more modern flightcontroller? It will save you from a lot of headaches dealing with the APM 2.8.

Sorry, it’s not clear to me what you want to do.

Dobrý den .tak jsem dal na tvou radu a zakoupil pixhawk 2,4,8 .užasné zařízení proti APM 2,8 . Vše funguje dle návodů Ardu pilot. Lod s APM 2,8 jsem nakonec taky naučil ukládat body na trati . Funkce je skryta pod programem steearing kanál 7.Ještě jednou děkuji za pomoc a posílám foto prototipu.
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Sebastian Schürmann via ArduPilot Discourse noreply@ardupilot.org
Komu: tumir@seznam.cz
Předmět: [ArduPilot Discuss] [ArduRover/Rover 4.3] Loading boat - manual
storage of waypoint

this function for memorizing points ( RC7 Opt Seve WP ) works only in flight mode Steering