I’ve just posted a question about the SIYI A8’s sensor model - the hardware section.
I’ve discovered that when doing the Mission Planner “load sample photo” to find the pixel count for an image file from the SIYI A8, Mission Planner reports numbers that add up to 15MP.
According the IrFanView, the image file is 8MP - as the A8 is advertised as an 8MP camera.
I don’t know if this is a bug in Mission Planner - or if I’m doing something wrong.
I’d appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!
I’d earlier reported that there was something peculiar with the SIYI A8’s EXIF when I found that the Mission Planner Geotag utility couldn’t populate the EXIF’s with the gps and altitude data.
There’s a new firmware release for the A8 that @SIYI (Frank Wang) reports has a fix to how the A8 creates the EXIF. I plan to try that this week.
Since there’s no image size data in the EXIF of the sample file I’ve uploaded, I’m guessing that IrFanView gets this data by counting the resolution in the image. The numbers it reports, works out to 8MP - which is the resolution SIYI has in the A8 marketing materials.
And if that’s true, the image size reported by Mission Planner is determined some other way. Is it possible to confirm that the image size data reported by Mission Planner in my sample is false?
As Michael said, Mission Planner looks for the EXIF tags (0xA002, 0xA003, Image_Width, and Image_height), but the picture you sent did not contain these tags. It instead has Jpeg tags, but MP does not use those tags.
Irfanview gets the jpeg tags and uses them for displaying size.
This is still a bogus exif from the camera and needs to be fixed. Exif tags are compression agonistic and must be populated.
I just installed the new firmware for the SIYI A8 gimbal and camera. It solved a number of bugs, but still does not store the pixel height and width in EXIF. (it does however finally create the geolocation tags in the EXIF)
I’ve provided feedback to SIYI about problems with the A8 - and they’ve addressed some bugs so far.
I’m not sure where Mission Planner gets the numbers it reports when the pixel height and width aren’t in the EXIF, but it would be better to show no info instead of the erroneous info it presently displays and uses.
If it doesn’t make sense for Mission Planner to do what ever IrFanView is doing to figure out pixel height and width - I’m thinking that the best option is to report nothing.
Bet you could easily write a script or command line tool (in any number of languages) to inject the correct EXIF size values. Not a great solution. But probably a right now one. ImageMagick under Linux comes to mind as a possibility.
I am pretty sure the 3000 x 4000 it displays is the default values when it can’t find any info in the EXIF data. Maybe it should report -1 x -1 or 0 x 0 instead?