Lithium ion cell , Maximum volt, nominal volt, critical volt?

Maximum volt, nominal volt, critical volt??

@SANJAYMR for which LiIon cell you are looking as there are different chemistry with differnent values are existing. Here most common LiPo has max 4,2V; nom 3,7V; crit; 2,75V

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He is asking for Lithium Ion, not Lithium Polymer.

But yes, it depends on the manufacturer. And he hopes we guess that :wink:


@amilcarlucas, yes, but most user don’t now difference between LiIon and LiPo. And specially in LiIon we have several very different chemistry like NMC; NCA; LFP; LCO; LMO; LTO.
We don’t know what he is looking for

These are typical values:

Batteries Hi Crt
LiIon 4.1 2.8
LiIonSS 4.2 2.7
LiIonSSHV 4.45 2.7
Lipo 4.2 3.3
LipoHV 4.35 3.3
LipoHVSS 4.2 3.2

They could be further refined by manufacturer for Li Ion cells.

You can get the correct Ardupilot values calculated for you in this spreadsheet (or in MissionPlanner Initial Parameters , but it needs an update to add more types)