Linux (x64) version here:

While we wait for Linux packages:
zip on new buids:
You may need some librarys to run it, I am not sure which, so here’s everything needed to build it (/and run it) :slight_smile:

you can surely skip at least build-essential and git.

The URL should provide new builds automatically, I have a cron job that checks every hour for new git changes, pulls, builds, zips, and uploads the result.

Sorry, but I did not manage to make a working .deb package yet. It’s built on ubuntu 13.10, and AFAIK should run on any debian-based x64 linux.

Thanks Andre. I am looking for developers to support this project. What is your background? Are you able to help? Are you interested in helping?

sending in PM


After downloading your software, when trying to unzip the file you get an error. This happens whichever copy you download.


After downloading your software, when trying to unzip the file you get an error. This happens whichever copy you download.[/quote]

Thank you for reporting.
I guess that’s due to the automated script that uploaded in ascii mode. - should be fixed now.
removed, and uploaded last few versions manually. - should work now.

Hi, the files are still corrupted. At least I can’t unzip them

ooops - my bad, failed to switch to binary mode for upload.
uploaded fresh build manually :slight_smile:

[quote=“Andre-K”]ooops - my bad, failed to switch to binary mode for upload.
uploaded fresh build manually :slight_smile:[/quote]
I can confirm, the file is now possible to unzip :smiley:

Hi, new issue :slight_smile: After downloading and unzipping the folder, the ./apmplanner2 gives me an error: ./apmplanner2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am guessing some dependencies have changed? Is there an exhaustive list of current dependencies somewhere? …
is till the latest one, and it works fine on all my computers. (and I have full qt on only one)
did you install what’s suggested in the first post ?
There were no changes in dependencies recently, maybe you can do an “sudo apt-get purge (the packeges)”… before reinstalling them ?

Managed to solve the issue. I am currently running Ubuntu 14.04 which has a newer set of libraries (e.g. instead of the required So I created a bunch of soft links between .99 and .80 libraries and now I have a functioning apm planner 2.0

great, if, by chance, you have a Pixhawk, please tell me if you are able to enter terminal mode reliably.

Would love to test a Pixhawk, but currently tinkering with my apm 2.5. I can’t really rationally convince myself that I need the upgrade as long as my apm is operational. I wish there was some feature that takes advantage of the additional computational power inside a Pixhawk so that I would feel the “need” for one.