[Linux] SBUS bit-banged software


I was reading about RC Input here. it stated:

The number of channels available depends on the hardware of the particular board. Note that SBUS and Spektrum/DSM are serial protocols. SBUS is a 100kbaud inverted UART protocol and Spektrum/DSM is a 115200 baud UART protocol. Some boards implement these using hardware UARTs (such as on PX4) and some implement them as bit-banged software UARTs (on Linux).

and in this link it stated :

any UART RX input will auto-detect all the protocols (except PPM, or SRXL2/CRSF/ELRS which also require connection of the UART’s TX pin), if the serial port protocol is set to 23 (for example, generally, SERIAL2_PROTOCOL for the TELEM2 UART if used). The exception to this is for SBUS attached to UARTs on F4 based autopilots. This requires an external inverter since SBUS is inverted and F4 autopilots do not have selectable inversion on their UART pins.

any reason why for linux boards a software bit-banging is used and for F4 an inverted input is prefered?

software bit-banging would not be the best option (in terms of performance and complexity) if the linux board has UART peripheral. I would image that an inverted input can be used instead.

is there a way on linux board to configure a FC to use UART instead of bit-banging ? I can invert the SBUS input using BJT